Thursday, November 23, 2006

Shrine to Isaac Newton - Middle 5.3

Newton sitting under a tree when an apple falls on his head. Drawn on the window of Hoangs Lab!
The task was simple...

Look up some things on Isaac Newton and present it in whatever way you want.

Apples made Newton clever apparently

Some of Middle 5's efforts concentrated on making sure that the ceiling was liberally splattered with facts on Newton, falling apples and planets, to celebrate his work on gravity, others looked at the strange story of Newton and his cats, and other work focussed on the contributions he made to Mathematics, with the Calculus.

The calculator on the ceiling was a nice touch!

Monday, November 20, 2006

Physics M5 - 20-25 November

In this weeks lessons we will be looking at Falling Objects and terminal velocity, and factors affecting braking, then for prep we'll be putting together all the facts we can find about the life of Isaac Newton so that in the second lesson of the week we can make presentations about him.

All your research on Isaac Newton should be posted on the forum which can be found by clicking >>>>>>>>>>>>HERE<<<<<<<<<<<<<