Thursday, November 23, 2006

Shrine to Isaac Newton - Middle 5.3

Newton sitting under a tree when an apple falls on his head. Drawn on the window of Hoangs Lab!
The task was simple...

Look up some things on Isaac Newton and present it in whatever way you want.

Apples made Newton clever apparently

Some of Middle 5's efforts concentrated on making sure that the ceiling was liberally splattered with facts on Newton, falling apples and planets, to celebrate his work on gravity, others looked at the strange story of Newton and his cats, and other work focussed on the contributions he made to Mathematics, with the Calculus.

The calculator on the ceiling was a nice touch!

Monday, November 20, 2006

Physics M5 - 20-25 November

In this weeks lessons we will be looking at Falling Objects and terminal velocity, and factors affecting braking, then for prep we'll be putting together all the facts we can find about the life of Isaac Newton so that in the second lesson of the week we can make presentations about him.

All your research on Isaac Newton should be posted on the forum which can be found by clicking >>>>>>>>>>>>HERE<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Have you seen this man?

Hoodie crime is on the increase.

Hooded yobs seen in the streets causing trouble. Was this guy responsible...?

Friday, June 23, 2006

21st Century Science - Topic summaries

The 4th Year 21st Century science class taught the whole unit on Radiation to each other. Here are their summaries.

Laura and I taught a lesson on the pages 36, 37 and 38. We taught the class about the three ways of representing electromagnetic radiation. In science, radiation simply means something that carries energy, and spreads out from its source. The sun is a very hot object so it radiates lots of energy, in many parts of spectrum. The suns most energetic radiation is X-rays. Human bodies are warm, so they radiate small amounts of energy, all of it infrared radiation.

We taught about photons, high energy, low energy and waves. We also taught about rays and the idea of ‘radiation.’ With radiation we learned about the source and the receiver. We also taught that ionising radiation is harmful. We told the class that living cells are complex things and they can be damaged by ionising radiation in two ways- even a small amount may damage the cells DNA. It may then grow in an uncontrolled way-a cancer tumour forms. Large amounts of radiation can kill cells. We used examples to describe things such as microwaves and potatoes; microwaves are absorbed by cells in a potato and the cells get warmer. We also taught about ionising radiation which is when chemical changes happen when some types of electromagnetic radiation are absorbed. When ionising radiation strikes molecules, it makes them more likely to react chemically.

We made the class write down the key words and the definitions. The questions on the bottom of page 37, we made the class answer and then asked for volunteers to answer them. We then moved on the lesson and talked about the ozone protection. Ultraviolet radiation causes chemical changes to the ozone layer. When ultraviolet radiation strikes ozone up in the ozone layer, the ozone absorbs it which makes oxygen. Overall the number of ozone molecules stays the same, the chemical reaction warms the atmosphere, and ultraviolet radiation is absorbed. We looked at a map showing the concentration of ozone in the ozone layer above Antarctica. We also looked at a picture showing old fridges waiting to have ozone-destroying gases removed from their insulation and their cooling systems. We read a couple of paragraphs on page 38 about the UN taking action. We described what it is and how it took action and why.

Fran and Padwick
Mobiles always give off microwaves. These signals are simple and short and have high energy. They are capable of transmitting loads of information in short periods of time. Radio and TV use radio waves. This type of electromagnetic radiation carries the least amount of energy so is less dangerous.

Whilst it is switched on your mobile phone is constantly sending out messages to say where they are. The nearest phone mast picks up these signals and directs any messages to you. Most young people use them to keep in touch with friends and family.

Microwaves travel mainly in straight lines so you have to consider the line of sight when you use them.

Vicks and Tom
Greenhouse Effect
Global warming

Fun facts
The atmosphere is getting destroyed by chemicals. Ice is melting and raising sea levels, which destroys coastlines. The weather is mucked up now.

Our main topics were

• Radio waves
• Mobile phones
• Communications
• Infrared
• Radiation
• Radiation used in conflict

The "What" game

the great challenge to raise money for cancer rasearch uk we have raised £31.50 from 13 people saying the word what in our physica lesson.
lead by the great Hoang who raised £12 from saying the word 24 times.
this game came about in our physics lesson learing about watts.
Lead by fatmumma, Jeanie, and zoggs

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Speeding posters

After the shocker of seeing so many people speeding outside the school (we worked it out as 1 in 5 cars outside the school were breaking the speed limit even though there were 11 year old children standing next to the road clearly measuring their speeds) the class made posters to try to make these drivers change their ways. Here is some of their work.



Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Fat families

Today Year 1 made families of unusually shaped people. We worked out whether they were underweight or overweight by plotting a graph of mass against height. If the family member had a mass and height below the curve it was deemed to be overweight.

Some of our family are shown below with their biographies.

I am baby Herbert Finklebert. My mum feeds me Gin to make me shut up. She will crush up burgers, pizza's and takeaways for me to eat. Most of the time I watch TV even though I don't understand a word. Instead of a dummy I get cigarettes shoved in my gob.

My name is Albert Finklebert. I am just underweight. I eat lots of tomatoes cos I like salad. I also eat hamburgers and chips. I watch TV a lot and also exercsie and work out. My job is as a trampolinist and gymnast.


Bobby Griffin is very overweight. He has takeaways every night. We always have to feed our mum chocolate, but Spike, my Dad does not like Funky, my mum any more because Funky eats Spikes food. Funky is greedy.

I'm Funky Griffin. I enjoy eating and can't help myself. I love feeding my family and taking them out for chips, chocolate and takeaway. I eat loads. I don't really care now as I'm already fat enough as it is. I love eating. I sit around watching TV.I hate exercise and love having a fat and squidgy bum, I love having a husband but my husband can't kiss me because he keeps getting lost in my flab.


Tommy Botarc is a perfect baby. He eats all his baby foods and greens and goes to bed when he's supposed to. He loves suckling his fat mums milk.

Mrs Botarcs is a very fat person who likes to eat cream cakes. She works for a sweet factory but cannot get out of bed because she is too fat. She suffers from Prada-Willy syndrome and cannot stop eating. She has had 20 heart attacks and has breathing problems.


Fernando Unoonk is a fitness trainer at the local gym. He likes to eat a lot but keeps fit by running around with his two children, Jimmy and Onky Tonk.

Strange lot that year 1 aren't they...

Monday, June 19, 2006

Naughty naughty - you've been caught speeding!

Today year 1 went outside and measured the speeds of some cars outside school.

Knowing that the speed limit is 30mph and that 30mph is 13m/s we measured the time it took for cars outside school to travel 50m. It was calculated that any cars that travelled this distance in less than 3.8 seconds were speeding.

The following cars were seen travelling at speeds greater than 13m/s

T78 M51 travelling at 19.4m/s
R44J 8J5 travelling at 17.7m/s
GB85 76Y travelling at 15.6m/s

There were lots more. Have these people got no shame!