Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Fat families

Today Year 1 made families of unusually shaped people. We worked out whether they were underweight or overweight by plotting a graph of mass against height. If the family member had a mass and height below the curve it was deemed to be overweight.

Some of our family are shown below with their biographies.

I am baby Herbert Finklebert. My mum feeds me Gin to make me shut up. She will crush up burgers, pizza's and takeaways for me to eat. Most of the time I watch TV even though I don't understand a word. Instead of a dummy I get cigarettes shoved in my gob.

My name is Albert Finklebert. I am just underweight. I eat lots of tomatoes cos I like salad. I also eat hamburgers and chips. I watch TV a lot and also exercsie and work out. My job is as a trampolinist and gymnast.


Bobby Griffin is very overweight. He has takeaways every night. We always have to feed our mum chocolate, but Spike, my Dad does not like Funky, my mum any more because Funky eats Spikes food. Funky is greedy.

I'm Funky Griffin. I enjoy eating and can't help myself. I love feeding my family and taking them out for chips, chocolate and takeaway. I eat loads. I don't really care now as I'm already fat enough as it is. I love eating. I sit around watching TV.I hate exercise and love having a fat and squidgy bum, I love having a husband but my husband can't kiss me because he keeps getting lost in my flab.


Tommy Botarc is a perfect baby. He eats all his baby foods and greens and goes to bed when he's supposed to. He loves suckling his fat mums milk.

Mrs Botarcs is a very fat person who likes to eat cream cakes. She works for a sweet factory but cannot get out of bed because she is too fat. She suffers from Prada-Willy syndrome and cannot stop eating. She has had 20 heart attacks and has breathing problems.


Fernando Unoonk is a fitness trainer at the local gym. He likes to eat a lot but keeps fit by running around with his two children, Jimmy and Onky Tonk.

Strange lot that year 1 aren't they...

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