Thursday, February 15, 2007

Diary of... a Y9 SCIENCE class - February 15th 2007

Today we did the same experiments that the year 8s did yesterday plus three more (Yes! We really did five experiments). Another exp. was to add sulphuric acid to magnesium, holding the gas given off with our finger and then letting it go out into the flame and POP! We did the same with powdered iron, and more or less, the same happened but at a different speed.
Finally (although we did it first but it was the best), Andy mixed magnesium powder with a substance he didn't want to tell us what it was so that we didn't do it ourselves because it is very dangerous inside an empty and opened up beer can. We took this out, and Andy added glicerine to the mixture, and some while after, it exploded with a very bright white flame. It was AMAZING!!!!! After several minutes it was still burning!
And he said that this explosion is quite not big compared to another we will do in some weeks from now. I can't wait to this the next one!
see you.

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