Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Year 10 - Physics end of year Exam

Year 10 you should ensure that you study the following subjects in detail:

  • Chapter 4 - Forces and Energy - Pages 71-88

  • Chapter 5 - Thermal Effects - Pages 97-115

  • Chapter 6 - Waves, Sounds and Vibrations - Pages 123-137

You may find it useful to make a copy of the checklists at the end of each chapter and tick the items that you know, as well as taking the examination questions at the end of each chapter if you haven't already done so. Feel free to write the answers in your physics exercise books.

If you need to gain a little more confidence and get some more practice of real exam papers, try the past exam papers on the Cambridge IGCSE site. Questions you will get will be taken from Paper 1 (Multiple Choice), Paper 2 (Core longer answer), Paper 3 (Extended longer answer) and Paper 6 (Alternative to practical) so you may want to download the relevant papers from 2005 on the CIE site and familiarise yourself with what they look like.

Another good resource for you to use is the Cambridge Student site, which has some further past papers and tips, along with model answers, games and checklists. The Checklist is actually very good, so well worth downloading and printing out

BBC Bitesize
is perhaps not detailed enough at your level but has some good tests and some easily accesible revision notes, so you may want to check that out too

Another site I haven't looked too closely at is crampuppy, that has a few past papers on it and some revision notes and for past GCSE papers (not IGCSE papers) try the paper bank

Remember, that if you do the work and see many past papers and do the questions, the chances are that the questions will come up. There are only a limited number of questions that you can be asked, so the more you do the more likely you are to be able to do well! Practice makes perfect!

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