Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Fundamentals of Transfomers

Fundamentals of Transformers

  1. High voltage causes shocks
  2. High current causes wires to heat up.
  3. Power-->Voltage x Current


To transfer power efficiently, we need to transform it using-->




These change voltage to an appropiate amount for the use of electricity at that moment.

In power stations and power lines we need to consider point "2."above.

  • Heating wastes energy.
  • So we use high voltages and low currents. But in our homes we need to consider point "1."
  • We don't want to get shocked.
  • So we use low voltages and high currents.

In each case, POWER is transfered at the same level.

We get the same power from:

1A at 240V

As we do from:

240V at 1V

1 comment:

mini-Andy said...

Heavy going there Topo - good stuff representing the year 11's!